Is God mad at me?  Does God really love me?  What does this mean?

We are so glad that you have checked out some of what Life Church is! And of course you will have questions because there is a lot to discuss. As a family of friends, we are about connecting people to Life… and we have a variety of ways we connect people and take care of needs. If you are interested in any of the things listed below, we would love to come along side of you and help.

If you have any questions, please Contact Us. Thanks!

“I might be interested in…”

__Understanding what the big deal about Jesus is
__Understanding what it means to grow in a relationship with God
__Understanding Life Church

__Child dedication

__Pre-marriage coaching
__Marriage coaching
__Parenting coaching

__Private prayer for myself
__Prayer from a “prayer chain”
__Knowing others prayer requests/ praying for others

__Receiving help with my needs
__Giving help to those in need
__Giving financially to support the mission of the church

__Helping to volunteer on a Sunday morning
__Becoming a leader/servant in the church
__Becoming a Sunday morning discussion facilitator
__Becoming a life group leader

__Help in understanding how to make a personal financial plan

__Getting a free Bible app to read and listen to the Bible
__Knowing what Christian music and books are recommended